My History

   As far back as i can remember I've always been that over weight kid. When I was 9 yrs old i remember being 5'5 150 lbs and my weight problem went from there. At 16 I was around 260 lbs.
Eating a bag of chips, 2 or 3 little debbies and a 2 ltr of soda pop for dinner was a normal occurrence.
I ended up having server depression due to my weight and just how horrible I felt. At 18 I was diagnosed with PCOS (poly-cystic overlain syndrome) I was told I would not be able to have kids
unless I had fertility treatment. At that time i gave up for many years. I was to the point I just didn't care about anything anymore. When I was 24 (2007) I decided it's time to get healthy and lost 20 lbs. I was so excited. Then....
   In November of 2007 I felt weird so I took a pregnancy test. The test was POSITIVE!! I was so excited. I ended up carrying on with my day went to work. Not even 2 hours into my shift I started getting sharp pains. I could barely stand from the pain. I ended up miss carrying that day. It was 1 of the worst feeling in the world. I ended up gaining 10 lbs back over the next month. Losing that precious baby gave me hope. So I got back on track and went on to loss another 15 lbs. In February of 2008 I found out I was pregnant with my beautiful baby girl. After that i went on to having 2 boys and I was done with having children. I was controlling my weight ended up at 219 lbs when I had my last son. Then...
  Me and my now husband  became official. You want to talk about getting comfortable?? Oh i was comfortable. The Day we got married about 2 1/2 years into our relationship I was back up to 260 lbs.
I've tried the last couple years to loose the weight and it took me 2 1/2 years to loose 20 lbs. Seriously? Who would of thought when you turn 30 years old its harder to loose weight. I wish someone would of told me that..  So I started doing research about 6 months ago to see what would be the healthiest way to loose this weight with pcos..
    I"m currently eating 1200 calories a day and 50 to 100 carbs a day. I couldn't believe it I started loosing down to 225 from 240 lbs 2 months ago. I decided to start this blog while I'm training to be a fitness trainer and to document my journey. And possible help others in their journey. I will be posting my daily eating and exercise log and all and any tips I learn along the way.


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