Hatred of Diets

So the last few months I gave into my cravings of pizza and chocolate.. Yes I have problems with food.. I love the taste and the way it makes me feel at that second of the 1st taste.. Then afterwards I feel like shit and start saying to myself  tomorrow is a new day you will start your diet again tomorrow.. Its always tomorrow.. Well no matter what I have to make today tomorrow or I will never get healthy for Myself and my family.. I didn't go back to drinking regular soda pop or obsessive amounts of CRAP.. But I did indulge in pizza and candy and eating whatever I felt like.. No mind you I said I was going to have 1 cheat day then forget it lets make it a week... Next thing I know is been 3 months.. Like WTF was I thinking seriously???   So today I started back to eating properly 1400 cal. and 100 carbs max ( I normally eat between 50 to 75 carbs) Tomorrow ill being weighing in and taking measurements.. I'm nervous to weigh and take measurements its been 3 months.. Just the though makes me want to have a candy bar or a whole damn carrot cake.. BUT I'm telling my self NO just do it and get it over with.. Good thing though had to renew my drivers license and there was a huge difference in the pictures.. So wish me luck and here is my menu for today... If anyone wants to friend request me on FitBit my email is bethbratton2015@gmail.com


                           Menu :   todays totals 1374 cal     49.5 carbs

  Breakfast :
         2 scrambled eggs           140 cal   0 carb.
         1/2 oz cheddar               55 cal    .5 carb
         2 pieces of bacon           90 cal     0 carb
         Dunkin Donuts Large Sugar Free hazelnut coffee         130 cal   8 carbs
         with cream and 6 sweet and low..

Snack : 1 oz honey roasted nuts   160 cal 5 carb
             1 oz cheddar cheese   110 cal  1 carb
              Bottle water

Lunch :
        Dunkin Donuts Large Sugar Free hazelnut coffee         130 cal   8 carbs
         with cream and 6 sweet and low..
Dinner :
        6 oz baked chicken breast     164 cal   0 carbs
        1 cup corn                             120 cal   14 carbs
        Butter                                     35 cal     0 carb
        Diet Dr Pepper                       0 cal  0 carb

Snack :
        1 oz honey roasted nuts      160 cal  5 carb
        2 sugar free mint candy       80 cal  0 carb
        Bottle Water

Late Night Snack :
       Dunkin Donuts Large Sugar Free hazelnut coffee         130 cal   8 carbs
         with cream and 6 sweet and low..


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