Not the best menu today..

Please tell me I'm not the only one whose sitting here at 10:43 pm too damn tired to get up and make a snack let alone dinner for yourself.. Would this be considered unplanned fasting?? Watching my boy play Robox and my daughter sitting next to me on the tablet.. No one is fighting everyone is calm.. makes me rather close my eyes and get a quick nap in.. Yeah right its hopeful thinking I just know if I dare close my eyes or get up to get something to eat all hell's going to break loose.. These are the moments I would like to freeze in time.. Guess I'm just exhausted today.. The house could probably fall down in front of me and I wouldn't care.. Well Hope everyone had a wonderful day and night..

Do Not Fallow Todays Menu I was so busy that I didn't realize I haven't eating and by the time I did I was too damn tired to eat..

Menu :                   404 cal 9 carb

  Breakfast :
       Dunkin Large sugar free hazelnut coffee         130 cal 8 carb
          with cream and 6 sweet n low

  Snack :
       1 oz cheese         110 cal.  1 carb

 Lunch :
     3 oz steak       164 cal 0 carb

    110 cal.  1 carb


Snack : 


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